The Systems Change Lab team strives to continually update data, improve functions and add new capabilities to the platform. Continue reading for the latest suite of new features, bug fixes and improvements.
Data updates, 3/19/2024
- Number of countries committed to fossil fuel subsidy reform in their Nationally Determined Contributions - updated data
- Fishing subsidies reallocated toward sustainable fishing practices, as measured by subsidies to management of fishing resources, stock enhancement programs, and research and development - renamed indicator from “Fishing subsidies reallocated toward sustainable fishing practices”
- Government support repurposed for sustainable agricultural research and technical assistance, as measured by government support for agricultural research, education, and technical assistance - renamed indicator from “Government support repurposed for sustainable agricultural research and technical assistance”, updated data collection methodology.
- Adult population that received government transfers in the past year - renamed indicator from “Percent of population aged 15+ that received government transfers in the past year”, added 2022 country-level data for Azerbaijan, Botswana, Chad, Comoros, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Eswatini, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Vietnam, and the Rep. of Yemen.
- Adult population that borrowed from a formal financial institution in the past year - renamed indicator from “Adult population that borrowed from a financial institution in the past year”, added 2022 country-level data for Azerbaijan, Botswana, Chad, Comoros, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Eswatini, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guatemala, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Vietnam, and the Rep. of Yemen.
- Adult population with savings in a financial institution in the past year - renamed indicator from “Percent of population aged 15+ with savings in a financial institution in the past year”, added country-level data.
- Adult population with a financial account - renamed indicator from “Percent of population aged 15+ with a financial account”, added country-level data.
- Share of the world's largest global corporations assessing and disclosing standard metrics for biodiversity and nature-related financial risks, as measured by implementation of the TNFD framework - added January 2024 data
- Environmental tax revenue - added 2021 data and 2026 projection
- Number of countries covered by emissions trading systems and carbon taxes - added 2023 data
- Number of environmentally related tax instruments and fees/charges on air pollution - updated data source, added 2023 data
- Number of environmentally related tax instruments and fees/charges on harm to the marine environment - updated data source, added 2023 data
- Number of environmentally related tax instruments and fees/charges on waste - updated data source, added 2023 data
Number of environmentally related tax instruments and fees/charges on water pollution - updated data source, added 2023 data
Data updates, 3/26/2024
- Significant GHG-emitting companies with credible transition plans - added data
- Assets under management that are aligned with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, beginning with institutional investors - added new data sources and 2020 data
- Adult population that received government transfers in the past year - updated data
- Percent of people with access to information and communication technologies - updated data
- Presence of ATMs across the population - updated data
- Average number of mobile money transactions per active mobile money account - updated data
- Number of registered mobile money agent outlets per 1,000 square kilometers - updated data
- Number of countries covered by emissions trading systems and carbon taxes - updated data
- Total market value of carbon trading via emissions trading systems - added 2022 and 2023 data
- Number of companies with internal carbon prices (planned and implemented) - updated data
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