Photo by Nareeta Martin via Unsplash

End-of-use products, materials or components need to be sorted, collected and processed to obtain as high a material value as possible, and products should be designed to be easily dismantled for reusable components or recycled.

To build a circular economy we must address the entire lifecycle of a product, including the end-of-use stage. When a product can no longer be used for its original purpose, recoverable materials and components in waste should be separated from waste streams and prepared for reuse or recycling in order to reduce the use of virgin resources. Increasing recycling and reuse rates is a key step to achieving circularity. However, if the quality and value of materials and components are not considered properly, diverted materials and components from waste will be contaminated and not used at all, or will be used for low-grade purposes such as backfilling holes in excavated areas. This wastes the potential economic benefits of the materials.

Overall, recycling rates are increasing for the countries with data available, but centralized and periodically-updated data is only available for the European Union (EU) and countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The recycling of municipal waste, which includes household waste, increased from 24% in 2000 to only 34% in 2020 in the OECDThe European Union (EU) achieved 48% in 2022, but even this remains below their policy target of 60% in 2030. More efforts in recycling are necessary.

However, we cannot precisely assess the current status of recycling in the world. First, the recycling data of total waste is limited because many countries only track data for recycling of specific waste streams. Second, the data availability differs significantly across countries and regions. Third, different definitions of recycling rates makes it difficult to compare and put together recycling data.

Enablers and barriers 

This shift aims to not only increase the amount of recycling and component reuse at end-of-use stages, but also to improve the quality and retain the value of these materials. In this regard, it is important to design products so that they are easy to disassemble and recycle. It is also important that the recycler uses cleaner sorting and separation processes and avoids contamination of the materials with impurities.

Several actions can help to accelerate progress in increasing the quantity and quality of reuse and recycling. This includes behavior change around sorting recyclables, regulations and incentives to increase reuse and recycling and improve the quality of recovered materials, and leadership from change agents. For example, deposit-refund and pay-as-you-throw schemes are policy instruments that incentivize stakeholders for a better sorted collection. The EU’s ecodesign regulation is one example of also spurring manufacturers to make products easier to recycle and disassemble. Extended producer responsibility can further incentivize manufacturers to design their products for better recycling. Additionally, stakeholder collaboration between manufacturers, retailers, waste collectors and recyclers can create effective collection and recycling schemes of waste products.

Tracking progress on global outcomes

0Right Direction, On Track
0Right Direction, Off Track
1Right Direction, Well Off Track
0Right Direction, No Target
0Wrong Direction
8Insufficient Data
Insufficient Data
Recovered parts used for remanufacturing and other processes

No publicly available data source was identified.

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Insufficient Data
Reuse and recycling of vehicles
European Union Data
Insufficient Data
Reuse and recycling of e-waste
European Union Data
kg per capita
Insufficient Data
Reuse and recycling rate of construction waste
European Union Data
Insufficient Data
Recycled biowaste
European Union Data
kg per capita
Insufficient Data
Recycling of packaging waste
European Union Data
Well Off Track
Recycling of municipal waste
Insufficient Data
Recycling of industrial waste

No publicly available data source was identified.

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Insufficient Data
Recycling of waste
European Union Data

Key enablers and barriers to change

Extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes
Number of schemes
Countries with deposit-refund and pay-as-you-throw schemes
Number of countries (single-use containers only)
Number of design-for-recycling requirements (EU only)
European Union Data
Number of requirements
Wastes containing hazardous substances
kg per capita

Data is available.

Waste sorted and collected for recycling

No publicly available data source was identified.

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Data challenges

Plenty of data about recycling exists, but it is patchy and fragmented. Each country has its own issues and policy interests related to waste management and tends to focus on subcategories of waste without looking at the entire situation (for example, glass and PET bottles instead of total packaging waste and total waste generated). Thus, the scope of recycling of municipal waste, packaging waste, e-waste, etc., differs by country. Some countries have not yet even started recycling certain types of waste. There is also some disagreement on what to count as recycling. The inclusion or exclusion of a subtype of waste or a type of recycling method can greatly impact recycling data from a country. In addition, some countries monitor the collection rate of waste products to recycling facilities, while others monitor the amount of recycled materials divided by the amount of collected waste products to recycling facilities. Neither of these indicates the overall recycling situation of the waste product properly. Thus, comparison of the situation and performance of recycling between countries is difficult, and reasonable, comparable data is lacking.

Other shift Other shifts needed to transform the system

Decrease overconsumption

Global material consumption has more than tripled since 1970, causing increasing environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of materials and products. Decreasing overconsumption, especially in high consuming societies, is critical to ensure that human activities fit within the global capacity of our natural resources.

Use recycled, reused and renewable materials and components

To keep materials in circulation for as long as possible, it’s just as important to design and produce new products with circular materials as it is to recover parts, recycle or regenerate materials. Closing this material loop is a necessary step toward enabling a circular economy.

Minimize environmental and social harms in resource extraction

More effective monitoring, regulations and laws are needed to minimize environmental and social harms in resource extraction, to tackle issues including deforestation, water pollution, overfishing, ecosystem disruption, worker injuries, child labor and other human rights violations.

Make production more resource efficient

Current production systems are still using resources inefficiently and generating losses of resources in production processes. Global material productivity needs to be improved far faster than the current trend.

Use products longer

The lifetime of products can be extended by a combination of durable product design, support services, and consumers' behavioral changes.