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System Shift Indicator Sort descending Last Updated Type
Power Rapidly scale up zero-carbon electricity generation
Share of power sector emissions covered by carbon pricing
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Circular Economy Decrease overconsumption
Share of products that provide information about circularity
April 2, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Circular Economy Use recycled, reused and renewable materials and components
Share of renewable materials as a fraction of total material input
April 2, 2024 Outcome Cancel icon
Buildings Decarbonize building energy use
Share of renewables in district heating
August 5, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Use recycled, reused and renewable materials and components
Share of reused content and materials as a fraction of total material input
April 2, 2024 Outcome Cancel icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Share of secondary steel in total steel production
January 8, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon shipping and aviation
Share of sustainable aviation fuels in global aviation fuel supply
November 13, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Share of the world's corporations (financial and non-financial) contributing the most to deforestation that currently have commitments to reduce deforestation
December 19, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Ensure that the financial system accounts for climate- and…
Share of the world's largest corporations effectively measuring and disclosing climate risks and management, as measured by adoption of existing reporting standards aligned with TCFD recommendations
November 22, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Ensure that the financial system accounts for climate- and…
Share of the world's largest global corporations assessing and disclosing standard metrics for biodiversity and nature-related financial risks, as measured by implementation of the TNFD framework
March 4, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Use recycled, reused and renewable materials and components
Share of total material input that is recycled material
March 22, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Power Phase out coal and unabated fossil gas electricity…
Share of unabated fossil gas in electricity generation
November 14, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Cities Plan urban land use to reduce emissions and increase…
Share of urban land that is vegetated
Outcome Cancel icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Share of women in the renewable energy workforce
August 26, 2022 Outcome Download icon
Power Rapidly scale up zero-carbon electricity generation
Share of zero-carbon sources in electricity generation
November 14, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon shipping and aviation
Share of zero-emission fuels in marine shipping fuel supply
September 27, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Significant GHG-emitting companies with credible transition plans
December 11, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Sustainable capital raised by corporations, starting with corporate sustainable bonds
January 18, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Scale up public investment for climate and nature
Sustainable debt raised by sovereigns, starting with sovereign green bonds
January 17, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Power Rapidly scale up zero-carbon electricity generation
Total annual investment in zero-carbon power systems
November 22, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon