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System Shift Indicator Sort descending Last Updated Type
Circular Economy Make production more resource efficient
Share of food production lost
March 25, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Finance Price greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental harms
Share of GHG emissions covered by direct carbon pricing consistent with 1.5-degrees-C pathway
June 14, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Industry Reduce demand for cement, steel and plastics
Share of global cement demand under some form of legislation, policy or target to promote material efficiency and circular economy
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Share of global cement production covered by a net-zero roadmap
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Finance Price greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental harms
Share of global GHG emissions covered by direct carbon pricing
June 16, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Ensure that the financial system accounts for climate- and…
Share of global GHG emissions under mandatory corporate climate risk disclosure
November 8, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Industry Reduce demand for cement, steel and plastics
Share of global steel demand under some form of legislation, policy or target to promote material efficiency and circular economy
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Share of global steel production covered by national net-zero roadmaps
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Buildings Decarbonize building energy use
Share of heat pumps and air conditioners sold that use low or zero global warming potential refrigerants
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Share of household income spent on electricity
Outcome Cancel icon
Cities Improve urban waste management and transition to zero-waste…
Share of human waste treated in urban wastewater facilities
Outcome Cancel icon
Industry Improve industrial energy efficiency
Share of industrial energy use covered by mandatory industrial energy efficiency policies
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Transport Reduce avoidable vehicle and air travel
Share of kilometers traveled by passenger cars
November 13, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Transport Reduce avoidable vehicle and air travel
Share of long-distance trips (1,000 km and above) by mode
Outcome Cancel icon
Industry Electrify industry
Share of low- and medium temperature heat that is electrified
Outcome Cancel icon
Buildings Decarbonize building energy use
Share of new buildings that are zero-carbon in operation
August 1, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Buildings Construct zero-carbon buildings
Share of new buildings that undergo a whole life carbon assessment
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Buildings Decarbonize building energy use
Share of new buildings with on-site renewables
Outcome Cancel icon
Cities Improve urban waste management and transition to zero-waste…
Share of onsite septage volume disposed by informal latrine emptiers
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Circular Economy Minimize environmental and social harms in resource…
Share of overfishing
February 27, 2024 Outcome Download icon