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System Shift Indicator Sort descending Last Updated Type
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Carbon intensity per ton of steel
October 13, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Cities Plan urban land use to reduce emissions and increase…
Change in average height of urban buildings over time
Outcome Cancel icon
Circular Economy Minimize environmental and social harms in resource…
Child labor in resource extraction sector
March 15, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Clinker-to-cement ratio
October 29, 2022 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
CO2 emissions from cement production
May 23, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
CO2 emissions from steel production
October 16, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Decrease overconsumption
Consumer awareness of overconsumption and intent to change behavior
March 3, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Power Rapidly scale up zero-carbon electricity generation
Corporate procurements of renewable energy
August 16, 2022 Enabler and Barrier
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Corporate spending on anti-climate lobbying, starting with fossil fuel lobbying
February 27, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon cars, trucks and buses
Cost of battery storage
November 28, 2023 Enabler and Barrier
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Cost of capital for high-carbon assets, starting with fossil fuel production
November 29, 2023 Outcome
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Cost of capital for low-carbon technologies, starting with renewable energy
November 29, 2023 Outcome
Power Rapidly scale up zero-carbon electricity generation
Cost of capital for renewable energy projects
November 22, 2023 Enabler and Barrier
Power Modernize power grids, scale energy storage and manage…
Cost of energy storage technologies
August 9, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Cost of producing decarbonized cement
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Cost of producing decarbonized steel
October 18, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Cost of producing hydrogen
December 6, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon shipping and aviation
Cost of sustainable aviation fuels
September 18, 2023 Enabler and Barrier
Transport Transition to zero-carbon shipping and aviation
Cost of zero-emission shipping fuels
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Crop insurance reformed to include sustainable conditionalities, as measured by total crop insurances
March 22, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon