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System Shift Indicator Sort descending Last Updated Type
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Percent of household income spent on housing costs
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Percent of household income spent on transportation costs
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Cities Improve urban waste management and transition to zero-waste…
Percent of human waste volume collected through piped sewer systems
June 25, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Ensure that the financial system accounts for climate- and…
Percent of NGFS members that have implemented or are in the process of implementing climate-related risk assessments
April 29, 2022 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Ensure that the financial system accounts for climate- and…
Percent of NGFS members that have implemented or are in the process of implementing environmental risk assessments
August 3, 2022 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and…
Percent of people with access to information and communication technologies
December 19, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Percent of public expenditure available to implement financial support and professional conversion programs
November 27, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Percent of total housing options that are affordable
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Cities Plan urban land use to reduce emissions and increase…
Percent of urban population living in slums or informal settlements
May 24, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Percent of urban population without access to clean and reliable electricity
June 21, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Percent of urban population without access to safely managed drinking water
February 8, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Increase the quantity and value of resources recovered at…
Percent of waste sorted and collected for recycling
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Population without access to electricity
November 27, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Power Phase out coal and unabated fossil gas electricity…
Premature deaths from air pollution
June 26, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Premature deaths from air pollution
June 26, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Finance Extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and…
Presence of ATMs across the population
December 19, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Electrify industry
Price of fuel (electricity, coal, oil, natural gas)
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Private climate finance flows
November 22, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Private lending and underwriting for fossil fuels
February 1, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Use products longer
Product's average lifetime for electronics
May 16, 2024 Outcome Download icon