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System Shift Indicator Sort descending Last Updated Type
Cities Improve urban waste management and transition to zero-waste…
Annual renewable energy generation through methane capture from urban wastes
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Industry Reduce demand for cement, steel and plastics
Apparent steel use
December 6, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Assets under management conducting meaningful company engagement by participating in the Climate Action 100+ investor coalition
September 28, 2022 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Assets under management that are aligned with achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, beginning with institutional investors
March 22, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon cars, trucks and buses
Average cost of a new light-duty electric vehicle
January 17, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Transition to zero-carbon cars, trucks and buses
Average cost of a new medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle
Enabler and Barrier Cancel icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Average electricity outage duration per customer by country
November 27, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Power Ensure energy access and a just and equitable transition…
Average frequency of electricity outages per customer by country
November 27, 2023 Outcome Download icon
Cities Plan urban land use to reduce emissions and increase…
Average heat island intensity of urban built-up land
June 26, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Use products longer
Average lifetime of houses
March 11, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Finance Extend economic and financial inclusion to underserved and…
Average number of mobile money transactions per active mobile money account
February 6, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Circular Economy Use products longer
Average product age of automobiles
February 27, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Circular Economy Minimize environmental and social harms in resource…
Average score of mining companies on environmental and social metrics
January 8, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Average size of electrolyzer plants
January 8, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Transport Shift to public, shared and non-motorized transport
Bike lane coverage in large cities
June 25, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Cities Increase access to resilient and affordable urban services…
Bike lane coverage in large cities
June 25, 2024 Outcome Download icon
Transport Shift to public, shared and non-motorized transport
Bus rapid transit ridership
June 23, 2023 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Eliminate harmful subsidies and investments
Campaign finance contributions from the fossil fuel industry
March 4, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Finance Scale up private investment for climate and nature
Capital committed by financial institutions toward climate solutions
January 31, 2024 Enabler and Barrier Download icon
Industry Commercialize new solutions for cement, steel and plastics
Carbon intensity per ton of cement
October 13, 2023 Outcome